Implementing color masks in Godot

📅 2020-05-06⏳ 3 min read

Masks are a powerful feature of different graphics editors. Can we implement them in Godot engine similarly?

đź”—What is a color mask and why do you need it?

In many graphics editors (e.g. Krita, Photoshop) there is a thing named color mask. This is a convenient way to change the color of your image or parts of it, trim the image into a specific shape, etc. Consider these images with the mask off and then on:

Without mask

Without mask

With mask

With mask

As you can see, the mask is defined by two parameters:

  • Color (in this case it’s #6798b0)
  • Opacity of the mask layer (33%)


Today, we will try to use color masks in Godot to implement the effect of aerial perspective. This is a very useful effect as it enables you to save some resources since you don’t need to have separate sprites for “close” and “far” layers. Take a look at the image above: this effect makes grass on the background look like it is further away and the Player will treat it like “inactive” and won’t try to walk on it.

đź”—Creating and storing a mask

Godot already has a modulate property in every CanvasItem instance, but there is a problem with alpha-channel: if we set it, then the whole layer becomes transparent instead of just setting the “mix ratio”. To fix this we will write a shader!

Hot tip Shader is a tiny program that is executed by GPU.
There are two major modes in which shaders operate: Vertex and Canvas.
Vertex shader can alter an object’s form, while Canvas shader works on pixel-level.

Again, we want to “mix” the colors of the original image with the colors of the mask. Image Colors are stored in Texture that we will iterate through pixel-by-pixel during shader execution. But where should we keep the “mask”?

Luckily, shaders have inputs, so we can feed it with the needed info. The most effective storage for a “mask” that I found is a Gradient:

Gradient selector

Gradient selector

Yep, we are creating a gradient with only one component (aka step, vertical line in the center), so it is not a gradient :)

Hot tip To remove a gradient step, just right-click on it, to add a new step use left-click

We can choose the step’s color using this selector:

Color selector

Color selector

As you can see, it has all the needed parameters: RGB and alpha-channel.

Here is the shader itself, with comments:

shader_type canvas_item;
// Disable unneeded features
render_mode blend_disabled, unshaded;

// We'll take out the mask as input. In the editor it'll look like a gradient selector
uniform sampler2D mask: hint_white;

// This function is used to manipulate  every pixel of the texture - right what we want
void fragment() {
    // First, we need to convert our input mask into texture
    vec4 mask_tex = texture(mask,UV);
    // Then, we need to get our actual texture
    vec4 img_tex = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
    // The resulting color will be a mix of thous two texture.
    // In what proportion? It depends on the alpha-channel of our mask.
    COLOR.rgb = mix(img_tex, mask_tex, mask_tex.a).rgb;
    // One last thing: we should not draw mask in points
    // where original texture is transparent.
    COLOR.a = img_tex.a;